Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

Can I get an Amen?! Mommin’ is HARD. It’s the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have ever experienced in my life. We moms wear so many different hats. We are the chauffeur, chef, maid, comforter, and chaos coordinator just to name a few AND that doesn’t even count the multiple hats we wear if we are working moms. Sometimes we can juggle all those roles with ease. Other times we struggle with a capital S.

I was inspired by one of my brave friends who recently posted on her social media how she was struggling. She’s an amazing momma of 5 beautiful kids and that week she was struggling. Her post really got me thinking. Why is it so hard for us mommas to admit we are struggling or better yet give ourselves some dang grace that it’s ok if we don’t have our crap together that week?

I think we are wired, or at least I am, thinking we have to be strong, hold it all together and keep those perverable balls juggling in the air constantly. If we let one or some drop, thence  we are bad moms, right? Mommas, we can’t do all the things 100% of the time and that’s ok! We need to give ourselves the grace to know we aren’t perfect. There are going to be some days or weeks that dry shampoo is your best friend or you might skip the kids bath time because you are so tired you can’t see straight or your house might be a disaster and that’s OK! Our kids won’t be any less loved during those times. They aren’t going to care if all you feel like making for dinner is sandwiches or cereal. They won’t even notice if the house isn’t perfect. All they care about is if you asked them about their day, read them a bedtime story, tuck them into bed or give them a big hug. All they care about in these moments is that they are loved.


All mommas struggle. We all have those days we want to cry. We all have those moments that we instantly regret snapping at your kids because you just can’t shoulder anymore. We all have those moments that you can’t wait for bedtime so you can maybe have a moment of quiet before you do it all over again the next day. We all have those hard moments and, if you don’t think you do, you will. If you see a momma struggling, check in with her. Ask if you can babysit the kids for a few hours. Bring her and her family dinner one night. If nothing else, encourage her that it will be ok and that she’s doing the best she can. We, mommas, need to lift each other up on this crazy journey called motherhood because, ladies, Mommin’ Ain’t Easy!


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