It’s almost Fall, Y’all!

We all have weaknesses. For women like me, Hobby Lobby is a weakness. My best friend and I recently dared to go in to Hobby Lobby in pursuit of particular craft items. I have to say, I am proud of myself. I did not buy anything. Shocking, I know! But I did take notes. I…

Find Your Tribe- Love Them Hard!

Find your tribe. Embrace them. Love them hard. Let them love you. What’s a tribe? Well, they say that it takes a village to raise a child. I am proposing that it takes a tribe to raise an adult. There are people in your life that you lean on when life gets hard, you celebrate life’s victories with,…

I don’t read, I listen

I’m on the road a lot and when I’m not driving I tend to keep myself busy. With my boyfriend living over an hour away, I find myself driving and needing something to keep me from getting bored. That’s when I found audible! Who has time to sit down and read?! Not me! I know,…

Southern Getaway: Eureka Springs

September 1 marked 7 years since Zachary took me on our first date. We figured that deserved some celebrating! So, this past weekend we went to Eureka Springs for a little getaway! I absolutely love Eureka! It is a quaint, eclectic town with great shopping and delicious food! What else do you need? I thought…

Life doesn’t have to Succ!

Ok, so confession… I have a black thumb! I kill any and every plant I try to grow! 🤣 But I absolutely love succulents! I love how they look. I love that they don’t need a whole lot of attention. I love that Zach loves them too! Recently Zach decided we both needed new succulents!…

Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

Can I get an Amen?! Mommin’ is HARD. It’s the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have ever experienced in my life. We moms wear so many different hats. We are the chauffeur, chef, maid, comforter, and chaos coordinator just to name a few AND that doesn’t even count the multiple hats we wear if…

Thank you for letting me love your kids

At 31 years old, my life hasn’t really turned out like I planned. I own a car, a house, am active in my local Rotary club and local theatre, have a career in marketing and have two dogs that greet me with wagging tails and jumps of joy when I come home. All of those…

Get your fit together: Final Week!

  Spree’s update: One headache. I’ve only had one headache since July 22. That may not seem like a big deal to most, but for someone that was having 1-3 tension headaches a week, this is huge. The decrease in headaches has had the biggest impact on my quality of life. For me, that is…

She’s a Kindergartener Now!

Like many mommas last week, I sent my first born and baby girl to kindergarten. As the first day of school neared and we closed the chapter of preschool, I began to prepare myself for the flood of tears I knew would come when we walked her in that first day. I began reaching out…

Get your fit together: Week 3

Spree’s update: I went to bed with an excruciating headache on Saturday night. Nothing to brag about, right? Well, actually it is. That was my first headache since starting this challenge. You see, I typically have 2-3 headaches a week. Tension headaches. Migraines. Hormonal headaches. You name it, I’ve had it. It was my normal….